Oh! how much art has given me! Or how much I have given art. Throughout this time this intertwining game has been fun, self exploratory, soul opening, and a lot more. I am deeply thankful that I have had the chance to execute and produce art. At some point in my life, when I was a child and later on when I was working in humanitarian labor, I thought that maybe this was not going to be possible… in this life. Helping people has been a big passion to me, just like sharing my creativity, and so _I have said this before_ I thought that maybe doing both might not be possible. But life (and myself) have proven me wrong. So I am deeply thankful for having had a chance to play art, fashion, create The Global Dress Movement and much more. How joyous it has been!

Carola Solis wearing the #IamPeaceIamLoveIamPowerIamaWoman dress, which she created in 2016 and which then became the foundation for The Global Dress Movement.
We have travelled to so many places, not only physically, but through media and have shared our passion for culture, photography, nature, anthropology, spirituality, art and so on and so forth!. We have shown different collections, we have connected with people in a way that I didn’t think was going to be possible. I have shared my story, my dreams, people have come to me with their stories and dreams, we have opened our hearts, listened to each other, learned from one another, shared tears and really, these are the treasures I cherish in my heart, more than anything. The power of art to connect us, to make us feel as one big community regardless of race, religion, gender, etc.
My heart is full as I write this, and I feel this big emotion, tears in my eyes flow as I see what I have done in these last nine years. Feeling how it all changed when one day I decided to open a blog in order to share my photographs and my thoughts and then little by little I created all the concept of what Atelier Solis would be. I cannot measure how much all this process has changed me, or better said, has enriched me. I have probably shown the world, you, 15% of all the work I have done so far. To me, real success is in doing and being true to myself. Really, doesn’t real life and happiness happen far away from cameras and media and more in private?.

Creating space to go back to the essence. Carola Solis photography.
Creating space to go back to the essenceNot having shown much of my work, does not keep me awake at night, there will be time for it. My highest joy comes from the production of my work, so I am satisfied with that. On the other hand, it is also true that doing fashion shows, exhibitions are great moments, but they can also be stressful, put a lot of pressure on highly sensitive people (like me), and do a lot for the ego, but not so much for the soul. And the soul is where I want to go back, where I always want to be, from where I want to communicate.
Let me tell you about the most beautiful and happiest time of my life. It was when I became sort of a nun and I went very deep into my spiritual practices, and got to know myself, got to understand what my life was about (joy, bliss!). And got to savour what real happiness was, that bliss which does not depend on anyone except your self-connection.
Having said this, I do not mean that I was not happy before or after that, what I mean is that this type of bliss didn’t last for some minutes, it didn’t last for even days, it lasted weeks and months and kept me going _still keeps me going_ for years and years. That bliss that is perpetuated in my soul is what makes me shine, it’s the place from where I created the “I am peace, I am love, I am power, I am a woman” dress and from where The global Dress movement was born. It is also from that place that “Kaleidoscopic Lima”, “Timeless Arequipa”, “Insurmountable Mantaro Valley”, “Peru, diverse country”, and various other collections that you have not seen yet, were born.

A glimpse onto a new collection Carola is working on. It will portray the jungle, the Amazonia.
That place is where I need to go back now. I am and will always be this creative, joyful being that many of you have got to know, but following my intuition, I hear a big calling to step away from media at this time of my life. I need silence, I need nature, I need myself.
I thank you for walking this path with me, for meeting me in person (if you have). I thank you for purchasing the Atelier Solis pieces, for being and interacting with me on social media, for enriching my life in ways that I didn’t know existed. I have learned so much all this time and I am deeply grateful that I lived this. I am not retiring (You can still contact the Atelier at ateliersolis@gmail.com), I am just taking a break to find space to continue creating from a place from where to listen to the universe better.
So, in this moment, as I feel my heart filled with love and gratitude for being surrounded by deep green nature, the bluest of the skies above me, infinite number of birds and insects singing, flowers blossoming, I embrace you all with infinite love and say: See you soon. I love you!

The jungle, one of Carola’s favourite pieces.
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