I was going through my India archives and I found this photo. This photo was taken behind the Taj Mahal itself. What I particularly like about this picture is how it shows three people of the same nationality (not me, of course) and yet with their own style and expression. This brings me to the words style and fashion. Many people when faced with the word fashion get all this discourse about superficiality and consumerism, I would rather use the word style. To me “Style is not a display of wealth but an expression of imagination” (1).
After jumping from one place to another India-iii-taj-mahal-contemplation-smiles and having been in the car for quite long, we got to the end of the first part of our journey (and a refreshing start of the next part of our trip). It was the time for me to see a doctor. This was a different doctor’s appointment, He did not make me feel like he was God and was going to prescribe me a magic pill, but rather someone fully aware of what to have a body, mind and soul means and how it is all connected and works. He did have an aura of peace and such wellbeing that I started feeling better just because of being there :).
Dr Gurnesh’s 5 tips to a happy health
1. Regular exercise
2. High fiber – low calories
3. Stress free living
4. Sound sleep
5. Meditation (Immune system benefits from it)
P.S. Dr Gurnesh did have a magic cabinet with magic jars in it, all carefully labeled and organized (and no, I did not take a picture of it, I was too focused on what he had to say to me, it is not every day you have an appointment with a doctor like him). He did give me a couple of natural – aryuvedic “potions” which worked like “magic”, however, there _ I have to say_ as much as they can help, nothing like following the advice.
P.S. Do not ask me if I have got to practice all these just yet ;). It is a process, you know?
I was taken by this scene for some reason. The woman and her child in the middle of the desert. The colours, the gesture, the motion… them being in the middle of nowhere and at the same time being where they need to be.
I took this photo from the bus we were travelling in. As we were passing by, I almost did not take the picture as I was so moved by the scene. Every time I look at this photo, my heart is moved in a way I cannot explain…
P.S. Click on the image.
Continuation from: http://carolasolis.com/blog//2012/06/05/india-i-pre-trip-pre-conceptions/?lang=es
This experience was going to be different..
So, once at the airport in Dehli, I am delighted by the art at the airport, its environment and the variety of people from all nationalities at the same place at the same time (I always love that, different accents, different people, different attitudes). Once out, it is time to look for a taxi. One of my first surprises is that our suitcases will have to go on top of the taxi and not inside.
This trip had been long wished for, long planned for, long dreamed of…
That fantastic picture of a girl _ I saw when I was a child in one of those fantastic magazines my dad used to have_ all dressed in magic colours and wearing bangles on her wrists was about to being seen live. It is always good to contrast what you imagined with reality :).