Books I ♡

Books I heart ….. Demian by Hermann Hesse

Ever felt that the books choose you, as opposed to you choosing the books?

Demian by Hermann Hesse

Demian by Hermann Hesse

I was on humanitarian mission in Chile in 2010, in a city near Concepcion, the epicenter of the earthquake of that year. We traveled for several days doing fieldwork. One afternoon, in one of the villages, while looking to eat, I turned away for a moment from the group and started walking down a street full of small stalls selling books, you know, those places where you find rare books, sometimes incunabula, sometimes true treasures, old and not so old, but with history … my eyes wandered, searching without searching, and suddenly … there it was, even with the paper cover, although fairly battered, hardcover, waiting for me at the right time … Demian by Hermann Hesse, because yes, books arrive at the right time and if not, wait for the right time to be read. (Sometimes I buy a book that is left waiting for months, maybe years until I devoure in a flash) and now I understand the reason … is that my understanding was there fair and accurate to understand.

So today’s book is Demian … This delightful book made to and from human comprehension. You will see why, with one of the paragraphs that I liked:

Demian by Hermann Hesse

Demian by Hermann Hesse

“We assume always too narrow limits of our personality. Ascribe only to our person that we distinguish as individual and divergent. But each of us is to be the world’s total being, and just as our body integrates the entire trajectory of evolution, back to the fish and even further back, we carry also in the soul what the souls of men have lived from the beginning. All the gods and demons that have existed, whether among the Greeks, the Chinese or the Kaffirs, all are with us, are present as possibilities, desires or roads. If all mankind died, with the exception of one child, moderately gifted, this child survivor, would find the course of things and could create again all: gods, demons and paradises, commandments and prohibitions, old and new Testaments. ”

Demian _once again_made me connect with the universe and feel what I always knew, but it was necessary to read it and read it through Hesse. The simplicity of his words and the ease with which he tells stories (another of his fascinating books Siddhartha, in case you see it out there) makes reading author Hesse always or occasionally an exceptional companion to enjoy solitude in the universe and feel accompanied, or for company while being alone. Loneliness Aaaah! the sweetest companions when one wants to achieve understanding.

Not that these are my thoughts regarding God these days _being shown in below paragraphs _ but I can certainly make my own his brooding, at a time of my life.

“… God is glorified as the father of all life and sexual life is hidden, and the substract source of life itself, declaring it a sin and the devil’s work. I have nothing against it if someone venerates the God jehovah. In all! but I think we should sanctify and venerate the whole world, not just the official half separated artificially. therefore next to the worship of God, should hold a devil worship. That would be correct. Or, we would have to create a God that integrates itself to the devil and to which we did not have to close my eyes when they happen the most natural things of life. ”

“… What Demian had said about God and the devil, about the divine Official world compared to the muted demon world, corresponded to my own thinking, my myth, my idea of ​​two worlds or two halves, the clear and the dark. Discovering that my problem was a problem of all men, a problem of all life and of all thought, suddenly loomed over me like a divine shade, and I was penetrated with respect to notice how deeply involved my own life and my personal thought in the stream of great ideas was. My discovery was not happy, although encouraging and comforting … ”

So… what are your thought on this? Have you felt the same connection?

Have you read Hesse? A paragraph to remember that you are passionate about in particular? Any other book you ♡?

PS. This series of “Books I ♡” is directed to share books that inspire me, that I am passionate about, accompany me, but these posts are not necessarily reviews. The paragraphs in this post were randomly chosen as such when you open the book and there it is, just what I needed to read. Bonne lecture! ♡

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